Connections Cork Ireland:

The program is held at the wonderful resort of Fota island in Cork: Dates for 2017 are June 30th to July 2nd. Please use the contact button above to contact the local administrator for information on eligibility and current pricing.
Connections are the most fundamental components of how we ‘are’ in this world.
We learn to connect the dots to make shapes.
We learn to associate sounds with meaning.
We learn to build associations, recognize colors, shapes, sizes, facial expressions, actions and reactions in order to navigate the outside world.
Most importantly, we build connections with other people, plants and animals with whom we share the experience of life.
For a wide variety of reasons, an increasing number of our children are being diagnosed with having difficulty in acquiring these fundamental skills.
As accredited experts in our field, we have developed an integrated program over the last five years to address the Rubik’s cube process of skills acquisition in children diagnosed as being on the spectrum.
Connections Cork Ireland:
This is a unique three day program designed to provide an integrated solution to allow families to determine and achieve health care and life style goals that are appropriate for them.
We have a special focus on those who have been diagnosed as being on the spectrum of Autism.
Let us first say that there is no cure for Autism, having said that we have been witness to a substantial number of clients who have made remarkable progress in remediating many of the symptoms classically associated with this diagnosis. We acknowledge that in being a witness to these changes, many factors have played their part, including the therapies in which we engage.
During the program, the glue that binds the therapists together is the foundational of the work of Dr John Upledger. Many of the therapists come from diverse skill based backgrounds, specialists in their own right in these areas but all have been trained in the basic and advanced techniques of CST/SER.
It is this that makes the difference and allows our clients to progress at an accelerated rate to well-being.